Squeezing in some exercise over Christmas will not only keep you in shape, but will make you more productive, and give you that extra bit of energy so you can enjoy the Christmas season to its fullest. Here are a few ideas to help you exercise over the Christmas schedule:
By making your everyday routine a little more strenuous; avoiding the lift and making stairs your new best friend, hopping off a stop early on your commute to work, even swapping a trolley for a basket at the supermarket can help you burn extra calories.
As well as meeting up with family and close friends we also try and squeeze in a few reunions will old school friends or work colleagues. We pack our schedules and leave little time for exercising. So why not combine the two? Make your social events exercise related; a game of football with friends, even going for a run or long walk with some friends is a great way to catch up.
We don’t mean you should be converting your bedroom into muscle beach. YouTube provides great home exercise videos you can squeeze in before your morning shower. Getting your workout out of the way first thing in the day means you will barely put a dent in your schedule.
Gyms know that people are rushed during the run up to Christmas so are less likely to take part in long exercise classes, so they have started hosting fast classes: group exercise classes that last around half an hour. So you can get in and out whilst also fitting in a high intensity workout.
If you’re training for any running events and are worried that the Christmas break is going to set you back, take a note of some of our handy tips and hopefully you can enjoy Christmas without losing your rhythm.