BookitZone | Online Event Entry Service
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Hidden Extras...

"Hidden Extras" is a phrase that most people do not like to hear. At BookitZone we're proud of ours... 

We thought that you might like to take a closer look and discover the "hidden extras" that we offer as an inclusive part of our service and which are often overlooked by organisers when choosing a website to provide an online entry service for their events...

There's quite a lot.  Simply click 'Show more' under each point if you would like to find out more information.

Event Exposure



250,000+ Registered Athletes

We have over a quarter of a million athletes registered on our website. BookitZone is a great place to get your event in front of the right people and maximise entries.

Many of our organisers are reporting substantial year-on-year growth with their event entry numbers.


Email Marketing

We send email notifications to all previous entrants when a repeat event opens for entry.


Newsletter Publicity

Your event will be included in our weekly newsletters which are sent to thousands of subscribers highlighting 'new events' and 'events about to close'.


Social Media Promotion

Your event is listed on our Twitter and Facebook social media platforms for free. We're also always happy to re-tweet and share publicity for your event.


Linked-Event Promotion

When customers enter an event we make suggestions for other events in their area or events that we think they might like based on their purchase. This helps to further promote your event for free.


Close Links

We have close links to reliable on-the-day timing service companies and we're happy to provide personal recommendations.

Due to our close link with, your event will also be listed on their race calendar for free - providing extra publicity for your event.

Great Features for Organisers



Fully Customisable

There's hardly anything that our website can't do. Whatever you need to know from the entrant, we can ask it to ensure you get exactly the data you need from each participant. Want to know their shoe size? No problem!

You can build your own frequently asked questions page to provide your potential customers with a wealth of information about your event. You also have the ability to upload files such as route maps, sponsor forms, videos, images, spreadsheets, and Garmin GPX files, whatever you need - we've pretty much got it covered.

Our roots are in running events - but that doesn't mean we can't handle other types of events. We've listed cycling, athletics, club membership subscriptions and even a scuba diving exhibition! If your event isn't running - chances are we can still help.


You're in Control

BookitZone has been designed around you. We offer youfull control over your own event. You can log on and make changes to your event any time, day or night.

Need to add a sponsor logo? Update the event description? Close entries? Alter your event limit? Download the very latest entry file? You can do it all yourself (or ask us and we'll be happy to do it for you if you wish).


100% Free

You can list your event at BookitZone completely free of charge. 100% of the entrance fee is paid to you as the organiser. Any entry you receive will not cost you a penny - you really do have nothing to lose.

We charge a small booking fee on top of your entry fee to cover our costs. We do our best to keep our fees as low as possible.

You can either create your event directly on the website yourself, or ask us and we can do it for you - we would be happy to help.


Automatic Opening & Holding Pages

Want to open your event at midnight but don't want to wait up? Now you can set automatic advance event opening using our new scheduler.

If you like, we can host a 'Coming Soon' holding page for your event with a countdown timer to the event opening.


Help & Advice

We have many years experience helping organisers with their events. If you have any questions - just ask!


Waiting List Feature

If your event sells out, we'll operate a virtual waiting list for your event. Interested parties can join the waiting list, and if additional places are released, we will email everybody on the waiting list to tell them there are places available.

This feature can be enabled should you wish during event setup.


Postal Entry Input Service

You can input your postal entries onto BookitZone for free. We'll compile the data and make it available for you to download the postal entry data along with your online entries. Ideal for passing on to your on-the-day results team.


Individual Refunds

Did somebody enter twice? Have they injured themselves prior to the event? If you authorise the refund, we'll electronically process the refund for free (historical refunds within 720 days only).


Fast Invoice Generation & Payment

With just a few clicks, BookitZone will generate a full breakdown of your event entries allowing you to submit an electronic invoice for payment of your entry fees. It couldn't be easier.

Following receipt of your invoice, we will pay you by BACS and typically the money will be in your account within 24 hours.

User-friendly Experience



Powerful Search Facility

We have a very effective search facility which makes finding relevant events easier than ever!

Our redesigned search facility has better event categorisation and a vast amount of search filters.


Easy Payments System

We use the world leading payment gateway - Stripe - which is exceptionally easy to use, fully secure and accepts all the major credit and debit cards.


Robust Queueing System

BookitZone has robust and user friendly queueing system available for popular events. Entrants are placed in a first come first served queue and are informed of their progress throughout - ensuring visitors have an enjoyable (rather than frustrating) booking experience. We've had some great feedback about this service.


Simple Event Entry

We offer one of the simplest online entry services for participants to use. Events can be entered in just a few clicks of the mouse!


Flexible Event Pages

Our event pages enable organisers to customise the page with their own logo/event banner. Cosmetic changes also provide website users with a better all-round experience.


User Amendments

BookitZone has the ability for participants to be able to change their details after they have entered your event - but only if the organiser enables this feature.

Changes may include amending an estimated finishing time, updating their running club, or of course their personal details, if they change.

Personal Customer Support



Personal Support

Our friendly team is based in the UK and we're often available outside 9-5 office hours to support you.


Family-run Business

Yes, we're a professional business, but we're family run too and have personality. We're certainly not a bland corporate faceless business!.

Friendly, reliable and trustworthy; we are always around to offer help when needed.


Excellent Customer Service

We're proud of the excellent levels of customer service that we provide to our customers and organisers. But don't just take our word for it, visit our customer feedback page to see for yourself.

We're always keen to hear about your experience with BookitZone. We listen to all feedback and do our best to constantly improve for the benefit of all our site users.

Website and Company Assurances



Secure Website & Back-ups

Our website is fully encrypted and secure and we take daily backups (should the worst ever happen!)


Fully Insured & PCI DSS Compliant

Professional Indemnity Insurance for Marketing, Advertising and Communications. E-Risks cover for viruses, malware, and cyber crime. Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance when attending events.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Credit and debit card transactions are handled securely by our payment providers. BookitZone never sees customers payment card details.


GDPR Compliant

BookitZone is registered with the ICO (Information Comissioner's Office) and fully compliant with our obligations relating to Data Protection & Electronic Communications and Marketing and GDPR.

We never pass on or sell customer details to any third parties. (We hate junk mail too!)

"There is always someone willing to do it cheaper..."

We know there is always someone, somewhere, who will 'do it cheaper' - and we accept that. That said, we're confident that we offer great value for money; providing exceptional customer service, and a reliable, flexible, robust, secure, and intuitive website with fantastic features. That's why for every new user on our website, we have a repeat order from an existing satisfied customer.

You can find out more about our service and our booking fees on this link.


Contact us now to find out how we can help with your next event.

Kind Regards,


BookitZone Ltd 

"List, Search & Enter Events Online..."


If you are still considering another online entry service provider after comparing like for like, please allow us the opportunity to compete for your business before making a decision and we'll see what we can do!

Page updated 21st Jul 2023, 14:53
Web design by Brick technology Ltd.