When you’re running in the midday sun you can end up in trouble before you know it.
With the sun bearing down on you, you can lose a lot of water at a very quick rate when you’re running, and drinking water is a necessity to avoid serious dehydration, but there are also a number of other things you can do to help protect yourself from the sun:
Cover Your Head
Sunstroke is a serious danger when you’re out in the sun and the problem is exacerbated when running. It is best to wear some sort of hat to block the suns rays on your head. Caps are the best for runners and you can buy a number of lightweight and breathable running caps from most sports shops. The visor also helps keep the sun out of your eyes.
Sun Cream
Sunburn is one of the most painful and irritating problems of being in the sun too long. Without protection we are all susceptible to sun burn, even if we are only out running for a small amount of time. Invest in a sports spray sun cream to ensure you are fully covered and that your sweat won’t make it run and leave you vulnerable.
Protect Your Eyes
When the sun is shining it is important to protect your eyes from the glare; it is also great at helping you avoid developing frown lines from wincing in the bright light of the sun all day. Specially designed running glasses won’t slip off like your favourite pair of designer sunglasses will – avoid wearing those types as much as possible.
Slower Pace
In high heat your heart rate will sky rocket even at average pacing. There is no shame in slowing down. Trying to hit top speeds in hot conditions can end up setting you back.
A drink before and after a run is not going to be enough in the summer weather so it is best to invest in a sports water bottle that you can carry with you. For long runs you may wish to look into buying a hydration pack; drink little and often to make sure you stay well hydrated at all times.
Follow these guidelines and stay safe in the summer heat when training or taking part in running events.