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Stadium Runners Woodland Challenge

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

10:30 am

Event Enquiries

Event Location

Pennine Business Park, Dyson Wood Way, Bradley, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD2 1GT

Event ID#


Event Category:

Running Events > Trail Race

Event Description

Stadium Runners Woodland Challenge 2014

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Approximately 6 miles of Challenging Woodland Trail

The Stadium Runners Woodland Challenge returns once again for 2014!

After some great runner feedback from the 2013 event we're keeping the race at the same location in Bradley Woods. You can expect a challenging but enjoyable woodland trail course, enthusiastic and noisy support from our marshals and even a discount on food in the High Park pub after the race!

Prizes have yet to be confirmed but all runners will receive a generous goody bag and a Woodland Challenge technical t-shirt.

If you'd prefer to enter by post you can download the postal entry form under the Event Organiser heading below.

Fruity Pot Fun Run

We're keen to cater for younger runners as well so we'll be holding our annual Fruity Pot Fun Run at 9:30am. The fun run is open to runners of all ages and all finishers will receive a goody bag and medal. £2 to enter on the day.

Jog along to the Woodland Challenge website for more information and updates.


Event Terms

I declare that I am an amateur as defined under UK Athletics rules. I certify that I am fit to run & understand that the organisers will in no way be held responsible for any injury, damage or loss to me or my property during the event. I certify that I am 16 years or older on the date of the race and will comply with the Race instructions available at

Further information from the Organiser

You should collect your race pack/number/item at the venue on the day of the event. Please arrive in good time.

Event Organiser

Name: Andrew Ferguson

Link to events website:

Supporting Document(s):
View Map

Stadium Runners Woodland Challenge

Pennine Business Park, Dyson Wood Way, Bradley, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD2 1GT

Scan this QR code to open the event location on your smart device. You can then use sat nav on google maps to guide you to the race. Please note that the nearest postcode is used for the event location therefore using sat nav may not exactly guide you door to door.

Seen something offensive? Please report it here.

Page updated 22nd Feb 2025, 14:53
Web design by Brick technology Ltd.