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Chagford Two Hills Race

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

11:00 am

Event Enquiries

Tel.: 07754 547448

Event Location

War Memorial Playing Fields, Manor Road, Chagford, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 8AS

Event ID#


Event Category:

Running Events > Fell / Hill Race

Event Description

The  renowned Chagford Two Hills Race takes place annually on the Spring bank holiday Monday. Now in its 47th year the race was founded in 1977 as part of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations. The race includes 1076 feet of ascent, up the hills of Meldon and Nattadon, with the notorious ‘bog’ in between.  Although only 3.5 miles/5.5 km in distance the race is notoriously tough, testing even the most experienced of runner!

The fully marshalled course is almost completely off road and starts and finishes at the War Memorial Playing Fields, Chagford. There are two water stations on the course and one at the finish. The race starts at 11 am. We welcome children from the age of 6+ to enter; children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. The Race limit is 220. Sorry, no number transfers. 

Event Terms

The Chagford Two Hills race is run over steep and rough trails with many tripping and slipping hazards, including a very wet and muddy bog section and two short road crossings. If you are not confident in your ability to run on this terrain, you should not take part. If you are, we hope you enjoy the race. Parents or guardians must make this decision for their children. The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to make the race safe and enjoyable, but the decision to take part is yours.

Further information from the Organiser

You should collect your race pack/number/item at the venue on the day of the event. Please arrive in good time.

Event Organiser

Name: Richard Everson

Link to events website:

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Chagford Two Hills Race

War Memorial Playing Fields, Manor Road, Chagford, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 8AS

Scan this QR code to open the event location on your smart device. You can then use sat nav on google maps to guide you to the race. Please note that the nearest postcode is used for the event location therefore using sat nav may not exactly guide you door to door.

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Page updated 22nd Feb 2025, 14:54
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