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2019 York Millennium Bridge 5k

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

07:00 pm

Event Enquiries

Tel.: 01937 581165

Event Location

St Georges Field car park, Off Tower Street, Castle Mills Bridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO10 4AB

Event ID#


Event Category:

Running Events > Road Race


Event Description

Under UKA Rules - permit pending
From St Georges Field car park (near York Castle), flat, fast and attractive, on road and paths on both sides of the river and in Rowntree Park. Please note there are toilets, but no changing facilities. The course is not suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs.
1 mile fun run:
Mainly Primary Age up to leaving Year 6 Starts 6.50pm. Entry £1. Entry on the night only.
5k Races:
(There are 2 races. Please choose the correct race option):
RACE 1 Start 7.10pm.
For men up to age 59 and women up to age 49. 23 minutes or faster.
(Race limit 150)
Race 2 Start 7.30pm
For women aged 50 and over, men 60 and over (their prizes taken from this race), and all other runners expecting to take longer than 23 mins.
(Race limit 150)
Most Under 13s (Year 7 and 8) should do this race unless very sure.
Start 7.30pm (Race limit 150) Minimum age just leaving School Year 7 
Prizes for Under 13, 15 17, 20 (ages on 31 Aug 2018), seniors and veterans.
Mens and Womens team prize, 3 to count.  Club vests must be worn.
£50 bonus for course record (men 14m 35s, women 16m 24s) 
Minimum age on race day is 12 for both 5k races.
Further information & results:
Enter on-line via (collect your number on race night)
Entries on day are £2 extra, provided the race limit not reached. If not entered please check before travelling. Entries on day are not eligible for prizes.

Event Terms

Please enter me for the above event. I accept that the organiser will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, cost or expenses which may arise in the consequence of my participation in or attendance to this event. I declare that I will not attend unless I am in good health on the day of the event and accept that I attend at my own risk. In the unlikely event of abandonment or cancellation, all or part of my entry fee may be retained for the management and administration of the event. No refunds or transfers allowed under any circumstances.

Further information from the Organiser

You should collect your race pack/number/item at the venue on the day of the event. Please arrive in good time.

Event Organiser

Name: Dave Paver

Link to events website:

View Map

2019 York Millennium Bridge 5k

St Georges Field car park, Off Tower Street, Castle Mills Bridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO10 4AB

Scan this QR code to open the event location on your smart device. You can then use sat nav on google maps to guide you to the race. Please note that the nearest postcode is used for the event location therefore using sat nav may not exactly guide you door to door.

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Page updated 9th Mar 2025, 21:32
Web design by Brick technology Ltd.