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The FAQ section has been created to answer the more commonly asked questions by customers. If your question is not listed below, please contact the organiser using the contact details on the event page.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Can I wear headphones?
A. For safety reasons, you can only wear EA approved bone conducting headphones during the race.
Q. Can I run with a buggy?
A. For safety reasons along the route, we unfortunately do not permit buggies.
Q. Can I run with a dog?
A. For safety reasons we are unable to allow dogs on route. In addition dogs are not allowed on the GSK sports complex.
Whilst BookitZone makes every effort to ensure that content downloaded from our website is virus-free, we do not accept responsibility for files which are made available to you by the organiser, and hosted by us for the purposes of downloading from our website. BookitZone would always recommend that local anti-virus measures are in place on your device(s) when using the internet for any purpose.
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