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FAQ The 25th Anniversary Baildon Boundary Way Half Marathon WALK – Event ID# 6142

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The FAQ section has been created to answer the more commonly asked questions by customers. If your question is not listed below, please contact the organiser using the contact details on the event page.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. When will the 2019 event take place?

A. On Sunday, 7 April 2019.

Q. What time will the walk start?

A. The non-competitive walk will start at 8:30am.

Q. Are there age limits for entering?

A. The minimum age for the walk is 12 but a parent or guardian must accompany walkers under 17.

Q. Is the walk fully marshalled?

A. No, walkers will be issued with a route description and we recommend bringing an OS map with you. The marshals are on the course for the duration of the running race, but may have been stood down from duties if you have been passed by the sweeper runner. It is therefore imperative that you phone the Race HQ if you drop out of the walk for any reason so that we can account for you. The phone number to call will be given to you, along with the route description, on the morning of the event.

Q. What charities will the event support?

A. The Canal and River Trust (Reg. charity number 7807276) and Parkinsons UK (Reg. charity number 258197).

Q. If I turn up on the day will I be able to take part?

A. We will take entries for the non-competitive walk on the day. However we do not accept any running entries on the day. The running race is always sold out months before the event.

Q. When will I get my walking number?

A. We will be issuing the numbers on the day of the event. You will need to come into the clubhouse at the Race HQ to collect your number and a copy of the route description. Please ensure you allow sufficient time because the start is about 1,000 metres (all flat or downhill) from the Race HQ and we cannot deal with everybody at the same time! Numbers will be available for collection from 7:30am.

Q. Can I collect my number before the day and go straight to the start?

A. No, for health and safety reasons we need to be certain who is taking part on the day itself.

Q. Can you give me directions to Baildon?

A. From the M606: As you approach the end of the motorway, take the middle or right hand lane signed A6177 Ring Road (East). After the traffic lights follow the road round to the right and take the 1st exit off the next roundabout following the brown tourist signs for Salts Mill, also signed Keighley (A650). Go straight on at the next ‘Asda’ roundabout. At the next roundabout, take the first exit onto the A650 still following Salts Mill signs. Continue on the A650. You will pass a retail park on your left, dominated by a Tesco superstore, and numerous car showrooms on both sides eventually passing ACW Garden Centre on your left after about 3½ miles.
Continue on this road for a further mile and you will come to a small upward incline and a set of traffic lights at a T junction. Turn right at the lights following signs to Otley (A6038). You are now in Shipley. Go straight on at four sets of traffic lights and follow signs for Baildon.
After two further sets of lights at the Noble Comb pub, the road sweeps round a right hand bend. Get into the left hand lane and at the next set of traffic lights (watch out for the filter light) turn left up the hill on the B6151 to Baildon.
From other directions, go to Shipley and then follow the route shown above.

Q. Where is the Race HQ?

A. Baildon Rugby & Cricket Sports Club off Jenny Lane, Baildon BD17 6RS. This is not far from the town centre. From the roundabout in the centre of the town go uphill passing The Angel and Malt Shovel pubs on the right and take the first right, after the Co op car park, into Jenny Lane. The narrow lane that leads to the Rugby & Cricket Sports Club is 270 metres on the left, just as the road sweeps round to the right.

Q. Where will I be able to park?

A. Marshals will be on duty near the Race HQ and will give advice. Car parking is available (free) in the town car parks but if you can car share with a fellow competitor it would help because Baildon is not over blessed with car parking spaces. This year we are using a car sharing website ( that aims to save you money and reduce the carbon footprint of the event. We would be most grateful if everyone coming to the race could try out the site (even if you don't expect to car share). It only takes a minute and is completely free to use. As well as saving you money, it will ease the parking headaches for us at the race. Please use one side of the road only for street parking, be aware of yellow lines and avoid blocking driveways. There may be areas of various roads coned by the police who may enforce parking restrictions. If you park in these areas you may receive a fixed penalty notice. These parking restrictions are for everyone’s safety.

Q. How do I find the start?

A. Walkers will be escorted the 1,000 metres (all flat or downhill) from the Race HQ to the start at 8:10am. Please arrive in good time to collect your walking number and to be ready for the escort to the start!

Q. What toilet, changing and showering facilities will be available?

A. Toilets, changing & showering facilities will be available free of charge at the Race HQ. Please note that there are no toilet facilities at the start which is about 1,000 metres from the Race HQ.

Q. Do you have a secure bag store?

A. Sorry, but no. Please lock any change of clothes and valuables out of sight in your vehicle for safety. Any property left in the clubhouse or changing rooms is left at your own risk.

Q. Can I take part with my dog?

A. Sorry, but no. The route crosses private land and the landowners have refused permission, please do not jeopardise the future of the event by taking a dog with you, even on a lead.

Q. How can I find out what the course is?

A. See the map and description of the route on our website These are provided so you can recce the route if you wish to do so before the day but don’t worry about having to memorise everything, the course will be well marked on the day. Marshals will also be on the course but these are essentially in place for the runners (who start one hour after the walk starts) so they are unlikely to be in position in the early miles.

Q. Are there mile or kilometre markers?

A. There will be markers every mile.

Q. Can I wear an iPod or music player?

A. No, for your own safety you need to be aware of what and who is around you and to be able to hear instructions from the marshals.

Q. Are there water stations?

A. Yes, there are three water stations on the course and water is also available at the finish. The water stations are sited at approx. 4.2 miles, 8.5 miles and 10.2 miles. The first water station may not be open by the time the walkers reach this point. Walkers are advised to carry a drink with them, especially if it is a warm day.

Q. What refreshments will be available?

A. Refreshments will be on sale at the Race HQ from 8:00am onwards. Typically we will have bacon sandwiches, soup, a chilli and cakes for those with a sweet tooth! Tea, coffee and soft drinks will also be available. Afterwards the bar will be open for alcoholic purchases.

Q. What do I get when I finish?

A. You will get a technical t-shirt and a souvenir 25th anniversary medal. If you are lucky, you may also get a ‘spot prize’ token. Spot prizes are to be collected from inside the clubhouse. Water will also be available at the finish area.

Q. I’ve entered but can no longer take part, can somebody else take my place?

A. Yes, but we will need to know the full details of the replacement person. Please supply the following information of the replacement:
Telephone Number
Running Club (if any)
Date of birth
Email address
Emergency contact name
Emergency contact number
Estimated time to complete the course
by email to

Q. Do you have a cut off date for transferring a place to another person?

A. No, we will accept transfers up to and including the day of the event, but please advise us of any transfer as soon as possible. Any transfers after 22:00 on Saturday, 6 April must be notified to us in person at the Race HQ when collecting the walking number.

Q. I’ve entered but can no longer take part, and don’t know anybody who wants my place, can I have a refund or carry my entry over to another year or can you find a replacement for me?

A. We’re sorry but we cannot make a refund or carry your entry over. We do not keep a reserve list either so we cannot find a replacement for you. However, we will keep your details on file and email you with details for the following year. We will treat your entry fee as a donation to the good causes the event is supporting.

Q. Where can people spectate to watch the race?

A. There are a number of possibilities:

Around 1.7 miles in Esholt village where the route goes adjacent to The Woolpack pub. Spectators should approach from Hollins Hill and go down Station Road.

Between about 4.5 to 8 miles the route goes along the canal towpath. Spectators can access this area by walking down either Buck Lane (opposite Roundwood Road) which leads to the towpath. Alternatively there is a snicket near J T Atkinson Builders Merchants on Otley Road (almost immediately opposite Midland Road) which also leads to the canal towpath, though you pass an industrial complex first. Another access point is by going down Dockfield Road (next to the Bedsaver shop) and on towards the towpath. The towpath also runs at the back of the Ibis Hotel near the Noble Comb pub in Shipley. Spectators can also see the runners pass Salts Mill on the towpath in Saltaire. Either walk through from Roberts Park or from the other side by going down Victoria Road and over the bridge.

The next best vantage point would be on the moor at around 10 miles where the runners run parallel to the Glen Road then cross near a cattle grid as the Glen Road comes to a T junction with Bingley Road (towards Baildon) to the right and Glovershaw Lane (towards Eldwick) to the left.

Q. What do you spend my entry fee on?

A. Your fee is spent on the costs of organising the event, the provision of first aid facilities, the mementos for all finishers, the spot prizes and the prizes for the age category winners etc., the list is endless! After meeting all these expenses we make substantial donations to the chosen charities the race supports. Details of the donations will appear on our website in due course; we donated £2,000 from the proceeds of the 2018 event divided equally between Baildon Community Link (Reg. charity no 1134980) and Hive Bradford (Reg. charity no 1100741). All the people involved in organising the event are volunteers and give their time free.

Q. How do you tell us the results?

A. These will be published on our website as soon as possible after the race (usually by mid-afternoon). We will also email the results as time permits.

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Page updated 8th Feb 2025, 10:41
Web design by Brick technology Ltd.