BookitZone | Online Event Entry Service
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Event Limits Help Page

Setting and managing event limits...

BookitZone allows you to set up and manage a wide range of event entry limit options. Using complex algorithms BookitZone ensures that your event will not exceed the entry limits you set.

Using the Event Limits section you can set up limits which apply to the whole event, an individual event option, or a combined event option limit. If your event spans across multiple days, we can handle this too.

Setting event limits is easy and this guide will help you to set the appropriate limits for your event.

On this page, we will use an example of a one day event that has a 5k race, a 10k race, a fun run and an egg and spoon race. All races have individual 'event options'.


Example Event:

The Sample 10k, 5k, Fun Run and 100m Egg & Spoon Race.


Comprising of the following 'event options':

5k Club Runners
5k Non Club Runners 
10k Club Runners
10k Non Club Runners 
Adult Fun Run
Child Fun Run
100m Egg & Spoon Race

(4 Races on the same day with a total of 7 'event options')


Maximum Entries/Tickets

The Maximum Entries/Tickets section when set will mark the whole event as 'full/sold out' once the set limit is reached. This limit is calculated by adding entries received across all 7 event options.

The organiser has event insurance that covers a maximum of 1000 athletes. He should set the Maximum Entries/Tickets field to 1000. When the total number of registered athletes across all 7 event options reaches 1000, the event will close off automatically.


Combining Event Limits:

The 5k race has a maximum limit of 300, and the entry numbers can comprise of both club runners and/or non club runners as long as the 5k race does not exceed 300.

The event organiser should create a 'Combined Event Limit' (by clicking on the 'Add another combined limit' button) selecting both the 5k Club Runner and 5k Non Club Runner options, setting a combined limit to '300'.

Second Example:

The 10k race has a maximum limit of 400, and the entry numbers can comprise of both club runners and/or non club runners as long as the 10k race does not exceed 400.

The event organiser should create a 'Combined Event Limit' (by clicking on the 'Add another combined limit' button) selecting both the 10k Club Runner and 10k Non Club Runner options, setting a combined limit to '400'.


Individual Event Option Limit


The 100m Egg & Spoon Race has a maximum limit of 40 entrants. The organiser should set an individual 'Event Option' limit of 40 for the egg & spoon race as shown in the image below.


Offline Booking Count


If the event is accepting entries via other avenues (such as postal entries), the organiser can add in the postal entries received in the 'Offline booking count field'. 

In the example below, the organiser has received 7 postal entries for the egg & spoon race. BookitZone will allow the sale of 33 online entries for this event option before marking the event as 'full'.


** NOTE: In the example sample event above, if the fun run were to prove very popular and sell 650 places, then only 350 places would remain available across the remaining 5k, 10k and egg & spoon races. This is because the organiser has set a maximum overall limit of 1000 places for the whole event (to comply with his event insurance!) **


Need help?

If you are unsure about the limits - or how they should be applied - please contact us for assistance.

Page updated 3rd Jan 2025, 09:37
Web design by Brick technology Ltd.