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Forever Manchester Virtual Run Take 2

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

12:00 am

11:59 pm

Event Enquiries

Event Location

This is a 'Virtual Run' - complete it anywhere.

Event ID#


Event Category:

Running Events > Virtual Runs

Event Description

This is a virtual run which is very simple 

1. Run 5k or 10k between the 22nd  November and the 29th November. Entries close on 15 November so I can order the right number of medals and T-shirts 

2. Submit proof of your result  (to and either a fab wooden medal or T-shirt will be posted out to you depending on your choice 

3. Results will be complied and published on Facebook / Instagram 

4.Tag forever Manchester on social media and use hashtag #fmvirtualrun 


From the entry fee £10 will be donated to Forever Manchester with the remainder covering the cost of the medal/T-shirt  and postage (Anything surpless will be donated to Forever Manchester) 

Please ensure that you run safely and comply with the relevant social distancing rules in place when you run 


Forever Manchester is the only charity that raises money to fund and support community activity across Greater Manchester.

Forever Manchester is all about… Putting smiles on the faces of our local communities, Supporting local people transforming the lives of others, Bringing local people together to create something special, Caring about those people who care enough to act, and Championing local people doing extraordinary things together. Forever Manchester believes that everyone should have the opportunity to be happy.

Join the movement. Get involved. 


Event Terms

Please enter me for this virtual challenge. I accept that the organiser will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, cost or expenses which may arise in the consequence of my participation. I declare that I will not take part unless I am in good health and accept that I do so at my own risk. Once my entry is accepted, I understand that my entry fee is NOT REFUNDABLE under any circumstances - even if I do not or cannot complete the challenge. Throughout the challenge I will observe the current government guidelines in force with regards to social distancing and time restrictions on exercising outside of the home.

Further information from the Organiser

The Event Organiser will email further information prior to the event. Please check your junk/spam email folders if you don't receive it and note that the Organiser may only send information once entries close (ie. a couple of days prior to the event itself). If in any doubt, please contact the Event Organiser using the details displayed on the event entry page.

Event Organiser

Name: Jenn Lutton

Seen something offensive? Please report it here.

Page updated 14th Mar 2025, 07:47
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