Q. How can I contact the event organiser?
A. The event organisers contact details are displayed at the top of the event listing page.
Q. What is the Quadrathron?
A. On Sunday all Under 11s (min age 9 years old on the day) entered in the Spring Spruce will take part in our QUADRATHRON. This is a series of 4 events - 75m, 600m, Long Jump & Howler Javelin. Points will be awarded based on results in each events, and the total events will be graded on a scale. The top 3 boys and girls overall will win a medal, and all participants will receive a certificate detailing their achievement.
Q. Will there be entries on the day?
A. Entries for events are limited & may close before the day as in previous years.
Please enter in advance if you wish to secure your place.
There will be an additional fee for entries made on the day.
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