Q. How can I contact the event organiser?
A. Email us at info@nottsac.com or call us on 0115 985 4289
Q. What is the prize list?
A. 2017 prize list:
Men's & Ladies Prizes:
TBA - check www.run-nottingham.co.uk for full prize list.
Prizes will only be awarded if there is a minimum of 5 people entered in that category.
Age cat. winners will claim the highest value prize available, taking open prizes first if appropriate i.e. 4th position
All finishers of the fun run receive a medal & certificate.
Team Prizes
1st team 4 to score (Men's & Ladies)
Club vests must be worn for Team Prize.
Q. Where can I view the course records & previous winners?
A. To view previous winners & current records, go to http://www.run-nottingham.co.uk/records-winners/4589731579
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