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BSSF Championship 2018/19 Races 1 and 2, - Scotland

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

08:00 am

04:00 pm

Event Enquiries

Event Location

Eagle Brae, Struy, Strathglass, BEAULY, Highland, IV4 7LE

Event ID#


Event Category:

Sleddog Sports

Event Description

This is the first round of the BSSF National Championship Series 2018/19 and comprises of races 1 and 2. This is also an IFSS World Cup Event


Directions, Site is open from 12:00 (mid day) Friday.

From Inverness take the A862 for 10 miles until you come to the Struy junction. From here take the A831 and follow signs for 12 miles until you reach Eagle Brae.

Post code IV47LE


Local Amendment BSSF Rule:

Dogs shall not be run twice in a day unless the second class is a non-wheeled class, or junior class excluding DR4J


​BEFORE ENTERING Please download and read the invitation.

The trail runs through various field systems and follows the River Glass for the 1st mile before winding its way back to the finish. The grass trails are mostly flat but will still give your dogs a good workout.
All classes ( including DR4J) 3 miles +/- approx. Juniors (11-14 years) 2 mile +/- approx. 1 Mile +/- for younger junior age groups

08.30 Saturday 24/11/2018 COMPULSORY for all competitors. This will include a separate Juniors briefing and marshal/helper briefing.
Sunday (if required) 7.30am

9.30 Saturday (Subject to change) 8.00 Sunday (Subject to change, but will NOT be earlier)

A list will be available at the musher’s meeting. If time allows this will be posted on the BSSF Facebook page

Camping is available without electric hookup FrommThursday to Suday night, and MUST be pre-booked and paid for in advance through the BSSF. Please provide vehicle details and registration number when booking.

£5 per night per vehicle for members in advance (membership number must be quoted when booking.) £7.50 per night per vehicle for non members in advance. £10.00 per night per vehicle if purchased on the day.

Camping can be booked via our website at:

There are toilets and refreshments on site. Vegetarian options will be available
Please bring your own water as this is a rural location
No open fires are allowed on site. No loose dogs are allowed on site.
Further details are on our website including a camping booking form at

The age of the athlete is taken from the age the athlete will be on the 31st of December  of that racing season (2019), this age will be the athlete’s age for that full racing season.

The minimum age of a dog will be 18 months old for scooter and bikejor and 12 months old for all other classes on the first day of the race. (Please note if you enter DS2 with a rig your dogs MUST be 18 months old).

Athletes will be eligible to earn IFSS World Cup points and BSSF National Ranking Points. Please note you must run the same dogs both days. To gain points athletes MUST be a BSSF member before the race they are wishing to gain points at. (For IFSS World Cup points you must have a DID. Please read the invitation for more details.) Points cannot be awarded retrospectively for rounds where competitors were not BSSF members.

(Full details of the points system can be found on the BSSF website.)


Please read the IFSS rules before entering this race. These can be found at

New antidoping rules apply from 1st January 2018. General guidance is available from the IFSS website at:

The updated prohibited list can be downloaded here:
All competitors MUST be on site prior to the race starting, there will be no admittance once the race is under way.
Course inspection
Course inspection on foot or bicycle (without dogs) is allowed on Friday after during daylight hours due to restrictions in place on the permit.

Loose dogs are not allowed on the campsite or stakeout at any time. Please keep all dogs on leads.

RNB (Nordic Breed)
RNB means Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Greenland Dog or Samoyed with Kennel Club paperwork. Please remember to state breed of dog you will be running when entering these classes. All NB dogs must have the appropriate Kennel Club registration paperwork which you must bring as evidence.
If you do not have registration paperwork you must enter the open classes not RNB

All Dogs must be vaccinated in accordance with IFSS rules and you must bring evidence of this to registration

Borrowed Dogs:
If you are borrowing dogs you must have written consent from the owner to race and detailing the dogs details, the name of the athlete and the owners name and address.

You must hold adequate insurance to race and evidence of this must be brought to registration.

Selection Process: Details of the qualification and selection process for the British Team can be found on our website at:

 For qualification and selection purposes where a class doesn't exist amalgamation of results may be applicable.

Please remember to download and complete all the additional forms required as part of the entry process and bring these with you to registration.

Competitor Waiver

Guardian consent form (for Juniors)

Chip List (one for each class entered and for all non competing dogs.

Speakers Notes (One for each class entered)

These can all be downloaded for our website at:


Non-timed canicross, scooter, bikejor or rig (max 8 dogs per team) Saturday only for non-race dogs only. Enter on the day. £1 per dog (Daylight allowing)

Event Organisers:

  Sled Dog Association of Scotland In Partnership with British Sleddog Sports Federation

Kindly Sponsored by


Event Terms

I agree to provide my own personal third party liability insurance to cover all activities I may undertake at the event.

I acknowledge that I am participating at my own risk.

I agree that I should not hold the BSSF, the IFSS, the technical organizer, the local authorities, or the sponsors liable for any injury, accident or damage to myself, my handlers, my dogs or my equipment.

I understand and agree to run under the IFSS regulations during the event and I shall abide by any decision made at the event. In the case of any conflict arising between me and my National Federation, the IFSS, the technical organisers, the local authorities and/or the sponsors concerning my participation in the event, I agree to pursue the matter only through legal provision of said bodies.

I accept the Court of Arbitration for Sports as the supreme legal body in such conflicts.

I understand that all dogs must be micro chipped before the race.

I am familiar with the IFSS Drug Testing Regulations and agree to follow them.

I agree that drug samples may be taken from myself and/or any dog I enter in this event. I shall not hold the IFSS, BSSF, the technical organiser, the local authorities or the sponsors liable for publishing the results of such drug testing. If the results of the drug testing prove that forbidden substances have been administered to myself and/or any dogs I enter in the event, I agree to return all trophies and/or prize money awarded to me. Should an analysis of sample B be requested, I agree to pay for the cost of this analysis.

I declare that the dogs entered will not be knowingly exposed to any contagious disease during the three weeks prior to this Event and I will not compete if they incur such risk.

Further information from the Organiser

The Event Organiser will email further information prior to the event. Please check your junk/spam email folders if you don't receive it and note that the Organiser may only send information once entries close (ie. a couple of days prior to the event itself). If in any doubt, please contact the Event Organiser using the details displayed on the event entry page.

Event Organiser

Name: The British Sleddog Sports Federation

Link to events website:

View Map

BSSF Championship 2018/19 Races 1 and 2, - Scotland

Eagle Brae, Struy, Strathglass, BEAULY, Highland, IV4 7LE

Scan this QR code to open the event location on your smart device. You can then use sat nav on google maps to guide you to the race. Please note that the nearest postcode is used for the event location therefore using sat nav may not exactly guide you door to door.

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