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Helmsley Sports Club Virtual 5k & 10K

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

12:00 am

11:30 pm

Event Enquiries

Tel.: 07708 938104

Event Location

This is a 'Virtual Run' - complete it anywhere.

Event ID#


Event Description

Helmsley 5K & 10K Virtual Runs are taking place instead of the annual Helmsley 10k Trail run on Easter Sunday. 

We don’t want to miss out in 2021 so this year. It is virtual and includes a 5km run also.

The great thing about the Helmsley 5K & 10K Virtual Runs is that it’s your challenge and your rules. Do whichever distance you like and however you prefer, walk, jog, run – it’s up to you! The challenge takes place over the Easter weekend, so you have from Friday 2nd – Monday 4th April 2021 but need to complete the distance in one go, not over the four days!

Alongside raising funds for Helmsley Sports Club we have chosen to support a local charity, Next Steps Mental Health Resource Centre which is a charity that supports people with mental health issues and supports people to help reduce loneliness and isolation in Ryedale.

You need to email proof of your completion of the distance to and the medal is yours!

The most important thing is that you choose something that will challenge you as an individual and that you enjoy yourself and have fun doing it!

Event Terms

Please enter me for this virtual challenge. I accept that the organiser will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, cost or expenses which may arise in the consequence of my participation. I declare that I will not take part unless I am in good health and accept that I do so at my own risk. Once my entry is accepted, I understand that my entry fee is NOT REFUNDABLE under any circumstances - even if I do not or cannot complete the challenge. Throughout the challenge I will observe the current government guidelines in force with regards to social distancing and time restrictions on exercising outside of the home.

Further information from the Organiser

The Event Organiser will email further information prior to the event. Please check your junk/spam email folders if you don't receive it and note that the Organiser may only send information once entries close (ie. a couple of days prior to the event itself). If in any doubt, please contact the Event Organiser using the details displayed on the event entry page.

Event Organiser

Name: Anna Jones

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