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Big Burnley Walk 2024

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

09:00 am

Event Enquiries

Tel.: 01282 664444

Event Location

Burnley Youth Theatre, Queens Park Road, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 3LB

Event ID#


Event Category:

Walking Events

Event Description

The Big Burnley Walk is back!

After the success of 2023, new routes have been created to connect people and communities across Burnley, with a wander through the town's wonderful green and blue spaces.

Starting and finishing at Burnley Youth Theatre, there will be the option of 3 routes. Maps with brief written instructions will be provided on the day, but for a brief overview and  routes please see the links further down this page.

There will be check points on the longer routes which will provide a place for a brief rest, snacks, refreshments and water.

The event will include tail walkers for each route, who will guide at a steady pace so no-one is alone or left behind.

Registration from 9am. 

  • 9.30am - Long Route "Big Burnley Walk" departs.
  • 10am - Short Stroll departs
  • 10.30am - Medium Meander departs.

Above TBC, as departure times may change. However all routes will have departed by 10.30am. Please check back soon for full itinerary and final departure times.

As this is an outdoor event, participants should be dressed appropriately for the weather and wearing suitable footwear. It is recommended that you check the weather on the day of the event and bring spare warm clothing, waterproofs, sun cream etc.


There are toilets at Burnley Youth Theatre (start and finish), and there will be other public toilets in parks en route.

Dogs are allowed outside of Burnley Youth Theatre in the car park and grounds, but unfortunately will not be allowed in the building.

Well behaved dogs on leads are welcomed. Please be mindful of other participants who may be afraid of dogs.

All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult and strict adult supervision is required throughout.

The Short Stroll is on trails and paths that are suitable for prams. There are a couple of steeper inclines so please bare this in mind.

The event will only be cancelled if there is a severe weather warning in place or flooding to the route. The decision for cancelling will be made for 8am on the day of the event and you will be notified via email if this is the case.

If your plans change and you can no longer attend, please let the event organisers know prior to the event start. This will make the check in and registration process on the day much easier.

Further communications
Further information will be circulated via email prior to the event so please ensure you keep an eye out for this.

There are options for all ages and abilities:-

Option 1. The “Big Burnley Walk” – 13.4 Miles. Map of long route can be found here.

Option 2. Medium Meander – 8.5 Miles. Map of medium route can be found here

Option 3. Short Stroll – 3.9 Miles. Map of long route can be found here.

Event Terms

Please enter me for the above event. I accept that the organiser will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, cost or expenses which may arise in the consequence of my participation in or attendance to this event.

I declare that I will not attend unless I am in good health on the day of the event and accept that I attend at my own risk.

If entering anyone under the age of 16, I declare that I have selected a route suitable for their ability and that they will be accompanied and under strict adult supervision throughout.

Further information from the Organiser

You should collect your race pack/number/item at the venue on the day of the event. Please arrive in good time.

Event Organiser

Name: Active Burnley

View Map

Big Burnley Walk 2024

Burnley Youth Theatre, Queens Park Road, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 3LB

Scan this QR code to open the event location on your smart device. You can then use sat nav on google maps to guide you to the race. Please note that the nearest postcode is used for the event location therefore using sat nav may not exactly guide you door to door.

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Page updated 14th Mar 2025, 07:40
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