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8 Miles in 8 Days Virtual Run - Helping Sport Therapists support Team GB at the World Transplant Games

Sorry, but entries for this event have closed!

Date and time

12:00 am

11:00 pm

Event Enquiries

Event Location

Anywhere, Anywhere, Anywhere, Warwickshire

Event ID#


Event Category:

Running Events > Virtual Runs

Event Description

We are a group of sports therapists from Coventry University who are volunteering to be part of the medical support for the British Transplant Team. Each athlete has undergone a life-saving transplant and through determination and hard work has battled to be selected and compete at this high international level.  Our role as sports therapists is to support the athletes throughout the games by preparing them for competition and helping to minimise injury risk. We are very proud of these athletes and feel honoured to support them.

There is no government support for the team, each athlete and support staff has to raise their own funds therefore WE NEED YOUR HELP!

These athletes represent the organ donors and their families, competing in their good health in a variety of sports against transplantees from all over the world.

This virtual run has been organised to acknowledge the 8 organs everyone has the chance to donate. Therefore, we ask you to run, jog, walk or crawl 8 miles over 8 days. This can be all at once or a mile a day, between the 1st and 8th of April 2017. Your medal will be posted out to you for the end of the event.

We want to see all your pictures, post them to our facebook page  so we can see what everyone has been up to.   

80% of all funds raised will be going towards getting our group to the games so we can provide our support to the GB team.

Please also visit our just giving page at if you are able to give just that bit more

Facebook page

Event Terms

Please enter me for the above event. I accept that the organiser will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, cost or expenses which may arise in the consequence of my participation in or attendance to this event. I declare that I will not attend unless I am in good health on the day of the event and accept that I attend at my own risk. In the unlikely event of abandonment or cancellation, all or part of my entry fee may be retained for the management and administration of the event. No refunds or transfers allowed under any circumstances.

Further information from the Organiser

The Event Organiser will email further information prior to the event. Please check your junk/spam email folders if you don't receive it and note that the Organiser may only send information once entries close (ie. a couple of days prior to the event itself). If in any doubt, please contact the Event Organiser using the details displayed on the event entry page.

Event Organiser

Name: Louise Anderson

Link to events website:

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8 Miles in 8 Days Virtual Run - Helping Sport Therapists support Team GB at the World Transplant Games

Anywhere, Anywhere, Anywhere, Warwickshire

Scan this QR code to open the event location on your smart device. You can then use sat nav on google maps to guide you to the race. Please note that the nearest postcode is used for the event location therefore using sat nav may not exactly guide you door to door.

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Page updated 21st Jan 2025, 00:51
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