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FAQ 8 Miles in 8 Days Virtual Run - Helping Sport Therapists support Team GB at the World Transplant Games – Event ID# 4800

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The FAQ section has been created to answer the more commonly asked questions by customers. If your question is not listed below, please contact the organiser using the contact details on the event page.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How can I contact the event organiser?

A. The event organisers contact details are
Please add Virtual run as the subject.

Q. What does the event involve?

A. We ask you to run, jog, walk or crawl 8 miles over 8 days. This can be all at once or a mile a day, between the 1st and 8th of April 2017.

Q. What are the World Transplant Games?

A. The World Transplant Games have been in existence for over 33 years following the very first ‘Transplant Olympics’ held in Portsmouth in 1978 with what was described as “99 bloomin miracles”. These were the brainchild of transplant surgeon, Maurice Slapak, to demonstrate the quality of life which could be achieved of transplant patients following their surgery. Since these early beginnings, the World Games have grown and are now held bi-annually in different countries.

The ethos of the transplant games both at national and international level is to raise public awareness of organ donation and where the games are held there is a rise in public commitment to become an organ donor. The aim for sports persons is to celebrate life, pay tribute to their donors and encourage people to register on the organ donor list.

The athletes get no financial support for the games, and like them we have to raise our own funds. As a group we are looking at raising £8000 to get to Malaga. Throughout our fundraising we are also looking to raise awareness of organ donation and the transplant games, being able to support these athletes is an experience in itself and we are able to support the athletes throughout their training and performance.

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Page updated 31st Jan 2025, 22:52
Web design by Brick technology Ltd.