Migraines are the most debilitating form of headache that affects a number of runners. It is actually estimated that a third of athletes suffer from exercise induced headaches and whilst the causes of a migraine differ from person to person, there are a few things that you can do to try to prevent them.
Sometimes, running induced migraines can be the sign of a more serious underlying medical problem, so it is advisable that if you suffer from them, you should see your GP and gain professional advice.
Some causes and solutions for headaches during or after running are:
1. Poor Running Posture
To ensure the best posture when running, imagine that you are being picked up by your head while you are running, pulling your body gently upwards. Your eyes should be fixed on a point directly in front, at eye level and you should avoid looking downwards. Relax your shoulders so they aren’t tense.
2. Tight Headgear
Having a tight ponytail, headband or hat can trigger a migraine. Always make sure your head gear is loosely fitting and if you tie your hair up, don’t pull it too tight.
3. Dehydration
The first symptom of dehydration is a headache, so make sure you drink plenty of fluids before, during and after running. If your run is under an hour or it’s cool outside you might not need to take fluids with you, but anything over an hour, or if it’s a hot and humid day, it’s essential to hydrate during your run.
4. Low Blood Sugar Levels
A quick snack an hour or two before you run should provide you with a blood sugar boost that will help prevent the onset of a migraine. Follow your run with a snack too; a balance of carbs, protein and fat such as fruit and nut cereal bar, wheat toast with peanut butter or a banana is a good choice.
Don’t let a migraine set you back during running events, follow these handy tips and avoid the onset of an exercise induced headache from occurring.