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The Beginners Guide: What to Wear on a Run

It is very likely that an experienced runner has an overflowing wardrobed filled with fitness gear. After all, the longer you have been in the industry the more you will know about what to wear. With this said, it can be overwhelming for a beginner and this means that the majority of new runners will end up spending an extortionate amount of money on things that they don’t even need. Read on as we go through three important things to take into consideration in this beginner’s guide on what to wear on a run…

Shoes and Socks

Having the right shoes is very important when you are running in order to support your feet and ensure that they don’t suffer from the impact. With this said, many people do not know that socks are just as important too! After all, the right pair can help prevent blisters by reducing friction and ensure that your feet stay dry and warm so that you can run during all weather conditions. We recommend that all beginners visit a specialist shop in order to get expert advice on the right shoes and sock for their running requirements.


Most beginners tend to rummage through their wardrobe and throw on the first shirt they can find; however, this can be problematic. After all, the majority of casual clothing is made from cotton and it is a well-known fact that this material should be avoided by all runners because once it becomes wet (from either sweat or rainfall), it will stay wet and this can make a run uncomfortable. Instead, most runners tend to opt for man-made fabrics like polypropylene, spandex and lycra because they are lightweight, well-ventilated and are designed to evaporate moisture in order to keep you dry.


Whether you are running for your health or are training for a big race, it is very likely that you will run in every weather condition, so it is important that you are able to alternate your running gear based on mother nature. For example, it is better to run in waterproof materials when it is raining in order to ensure that you stay as dry as possible. In addition to this, you should avoid too many layers during autumn as you are likely to get too warm during your run. You should dig out your hat and gloves during winter weather in order to stay as warm as possible.

Here at BookitZone, we believe that every beginner should be given as much information as possible in order to ensure that they don’t repeat the same mistakes of those before them. After all, choosing what to wear isn’t as straight forward as it seems! With this said, getting that first outfit often makes people feel ready to take on the world and our running events are the perfect way to get a taste of competitive running. To find out more information, speak to a member of the BookitZone team today!

19th February 2019, 12:45
Page updated 19th Feb 2019, 12:46
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