Starting a new activity can be daunting. After all, as a beginner there are always going to be people who are better than you, especially when it comes to the running industry. In fact, the team here at BookitZone believe that first time runners should try to recruit an experienced sprinter to help guide them and ensure that they get the best out of their workouts. Read on as we go through some important pieces of advice that every new runner needs to hear…
The biggest mistake that a first-time runner tends to make is thinking that their casual trainers are suitable fitness wear. In reality, it is important to invest in a pair of running shoes that will support you as you run as running is a very impact-based sport and without the correct shoes, you could end up suffering from a painful injury.
In addition to this, it can be hard to feel like you are doing enough at the first hurdle. After all, rest days may seem like a waste of time, but they are incredibly important as they allow your body to repair and recover from the vigorous activity that is carried out as you run. If there is one thing that is on par with never skipping a workout, it is to never dwell on your rest days.
For experienced runners, putting on their gear is a force of habit; they don’t have to talk themselves into it and there is no feeling of dread. This is because they have managed to flip their outlook on fitness from a negative to a positive. On the other hand, a new runner may find it difficult to get off the sofa and out the front door, as comparing yourself to those who have been in the game longer than you isn’t beneficial. It is important to remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Every small milestone will help turn what now feels like a chore into an everyday habit, slowly but surely.
Many new runners should take the time to log their progress as they can reflect upon it during times of doubt in order to see how far they have actually come. After all, running is a competitive sport and although there is no time frame set in stone that dictates when you should reach a certain point, it can be easy to feel left behind if someone is progressing faster than you.
Here at BookitZone, we have a wide range of running events that are available for both new and experienced runners alike. After all, signing up for your first 5k is just as important as crossing the finish line at your first marathon and we believe that every milestone should be filled with glee and jubilation! To find out more information, get in contact with a member of the BookitZone team today!