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How to Stay Motivated

When it comes to an industry that is as competitive as running, it can be easy to become deflated at your lack of success in comparison to other people. After all, there will always be people who are ahead of you in the game! Here at BookitZone, we want to encourage our readers to be their own champion and help our clients stay on track with their running goals. Read on as we go through a few top tips that can help you stay motivated...

Join a Running Group

There have been many studies carried out on the impact that running with friends can have on one's confidence levels. After all, you are less likely to skip a workout when you have another person relying on your presence. In addition to this, a running group can help you figure out and achieve your goals in a team rather than working individually and comparing yourself to others.

Track Your Progress

When we first start a new form of exercise, we tend to see drastic results at the start; however, our progress will gradually reduce as the body starts to adjust to the activity, causing many runners, particularly those running for weight loss, to become disheartened. As a result, it is important look at more than the number on the scale and track your progress in terms of speed and distance too. After all, these will continue to improve and can keep you motivated on days where your confidence is wobbling.

Slow and Steady

Sometimes a beginner will start a new form of exercise like running with unrealistic expectations. After all, it is impossible to lose three stone in a month no matter how much you run! Subsequently, a lack of results can diminish a runner's motivation and cause them to give up before they have even started. That is why it is important to remember to take things at a steady place and understand that many goals take time, dedication and commitment to achieve.

Here at BookitZone, we recognise how overwhelming the running industry can be as a beginner. That’s why we recommend that new runners try to find inspiration rather than envy in those who have managed to succeed already. After all, the only comparison you should be making is with yourself! In fact, our running events are the perfect motivator as they allow beginners to gradually work their way towards major sporting events. To find out more information, get in contact with a member of the BookitZone team today!

8th March 2019, 9:41
Page updated 8th Mar 2019, 09:41
Web design by Brick technology Ltd.